Easter 2025 on Lake Garda: a new, exciting season starts again

Ostern am Gardasee

After a long winter, the watchword in spring is: awakening! And what’s better than getting the kinks out of your body and spirit if not on vacation

One of the most anticipated holidays afterthe winter is definitely Easter. And one of the most desired destinations is, without a doubt, Italy… where there’s one place that encloses in itself  more worlds than one: Lake Garda.

Nature awakens in all its splendor, flowers bloom, and their intense fragrance permeates everywhere. This is the spectacle that is  spring, and witnessing this awakening is undoubtedly the perfect excuse for going on vacation. 

If it seems premature to be thinking about a vacation on Lake Garda for Easter 2025, you’re mistaken, and we’ll give you at least three good reasons to book now: 

1- More convenient prices. It might seem strange, but most everyone offers more competitive rates if you book well in advance. This happens especially if you book directly or without going through the internet and/or agencies. 

2- Tailored accommodations. Booking in advance of your arrival date allows you to have a vast choice in terms of accommodations, such as a panoramic apartment with the prettiest view that’s waiting just for you. Book it with just a click before someone else grabs it! 

3-  More time to plan your vacation. Accommodations are no longer a worry. Now that you’ve booked your stay and you’ve been able to choose your dream apartment at the lowest rate, you can dedicate your free time towards deciding on the places you’d like to see and make a list of the activities you absolutely want to do, like visiting  museums or trekking and biking. Things you’ve been desiring for a long time. You can also select the restaurants where you want to dine by taking a look at the reviews and also the distance from your accommodation. 

A dream? No! Reality. An undeniable advantage you’ll have in booking your vacation well in advance is being able to take your time in deciding on your stay by carefully selecting the structure, the type of accommodation, its location, and being able to get a better quality-price ratio. 

We at Toblini Apartments love to reward our most loyal guests, guaranteeing they receive a better rate if booked in advance. This is why we’ve already posted our rates on online for the 2025 season.

One-room, two-room, three-room apartments with a clean essential design, comfortable terraces where you can dine, swimming pool, and modern bike storage. 

So book your Easter 2025 vacation on Lake Garda now and discover all the advantages of this  clever choice. See you soon in Torbole to celebrate together! 


Sun, lake, some games and lots of laughter. A holiday with the kids on Lake Garda Trentino can be summarised with these simple words.

A place to be loved, that enchants the little ones with long golden beaches, equipped with playgrounds, a lot of schools to practice some water sports, many bikeways suitable for them and multifarious activities that will make you live a different fairy tale every day.

Lake Garda Trentino is a kid-oriented microcosm, with the games and activities of the Kids Club, lots of activities for both families and kids of all ages.

For an active and cheerful holiday in the nature, you may want to start with making the kids discovering mother nature’s strength by visiting the majestic Varone Waterfalls and to make them understand the magic of the human intelligence thanks to a visit to the Hydroelectric Plant in Riva del Garda. An unexpected and engaging experience with some original multimedia productions. In July and August it is possible to visit the plant of Riva del Garda even during the evenings, to enjoy the amazing panorama from the terrace and to appreciate the starry city.

Let’s have a look to all the suggestions for kids under 12! (well, also a bit more grown-up!)

LITTLE ATHLETES GROWING UP – The sailing, windsurfing and climbing schools.

Everybody knows it’s better to nurture sports since you are a child. And what better time than going on a trip with the kids and make them practice a sport that could engage them? In Garda Trentino there are lots of schools where it’s possible to learn how to practice a funny and fast-paced sport. First of all, the water sports. Little sailors, what how do you see a sailing course to learn how to sail a boat rescuing from the lake waves? Or rather quelling Mister Wind (the Ora wind, obviously! thanks to a windsurfing course? After all, getting on a board seems like flying an inch from the water! 

And on the contrary, if your kids are very keen on mountain, what do you think about teaching them how to climb? Garda Trentino is definitely the home of climbing. tThe champion Adam Ondra knows it best: and he has opened many routes and climbed some unreachable faces in this area!


Did you know that? From the Garda Trentino area it is possible to easily reach Gardaland Resort in just one-hour drive, the amusement park for the whole family! Near Verona you may also visit the Parco Acquatico Cavour, the Caneva World Resort and Movieland park.

If your kids love animals, do you know that in Riva del Garda you have the chance to get to know the most fascinating reptiles in the world? The town is home to Reptiland: here it is possible to appreciate some of the most beautiful and important species of poisonous and nonpoisonous snakes, spiders and insects.

Mum, dad and kids will live a weekend in the spirit of glee and doing many outdoor activities in Garda Trentino.

Lake Garda Trentino welcomes the families to share that sensation of an endless joy all together. That joy only a holiday is able to convey, to feel lively and cheerful together with your kids, as we were kids again.

Live your dream by booking a holiday at Toblini Apartments.
Book now Residence Toblini
Book now Casa Toblini al Lago


Kindern bike Urlaub Gardasee

The whisper of the wind brushing your hair, the hot summer breeze gliding through the skin, the screech of the two-wheelers on the tarmac marking the rhythm of cycling holidays!

If holidays mean sport, nature and enchanted landscapes to you, Garda Trentino is definitely your ultimate destination! Every kind of bike enthusiasts will find suitable trails or cycle lanes with breathtaking views and glimpses that will stay in your hearth forever and ever.

But when it comes to mum, dad and kids setting off, it’s a bit more difficult to organise cycle transfers and trails for the whole family. Anyway, don’t worry! On Lake Garda it’s possible to practice family biking safely, as for any member of the family to feel happy and gratified! Here you have 5 not-to-be-missed cycle trails, perfect for kids as well.

1) The San Martino Family Tour is an easy 7.4-kilometer trail both on tarmac and gravel roads, where you could admire also the Monastery of the Friars Capuchin.

2) Lago Bagattoli Trail Family Tour is a suggestive 8-kilometer cycling trail overlooking the wonderful Centrale di Fies (a former hydroelectric plant, now home to contemporary art exhibitions and performances). You will cycle plunged into “Marocche” (big rocks formations left by glaciers), a protected area famous for its geological and ecological importance, and in the surrounding vineyard, all along the Sarca River. Easy trail.

3) Dro and the Via delle Prugne (Plums trail) is another undemanding 9.4-kilometer trail plunged into vineyards and olive groves following the route of an ancient local fruit:the susina (a special kind of plum)!

4) Monte Brione Family Loop is an easy 8.4-kilometer trail which leaves from the amazing area of Porto San Nicolò (Riva del Garda), a circular tour perfect to admire the surrounding green mountains!

5) Pratosaiano Family Tour is an easy 9.8 kilometer cycling trail around ancient hamlets, fruit groves and vineyards. It is located in Arco and has a wonderful view on the castle!

Last but not least, two cycle lanes which are the pride and joy of Garda Trentino, really appreciated by those who live here all year round as well. Both are cozy and well-connected: the former is the 18.2-kilometer Mori-Riva del Garda trail, which ends up at the impressive Varone waterfalls, and the latter is the Torbole sul Sarca-Sarche cycle lane. The Valle dei Laghi cycle and walking lane (32.9 kilometers) allows you to admire an area which is naturally devoted to the vino santo (a special kind of dessert wine), a real pride from Trentino.

Did you realise? With all these opportunities, Garda Trentino is really a synonym for sport, fun, happiness and… a bit of healthy sweat (not only because of the suntan) for all of us!

Live your dream by booking a holiday at Toblini Apartments.
Book now Residence Toblini
Book now Casa Toblini al Lago

The Biotope Marocche in Dro:One of the most popular routes on Lake Garda

The sensation you feel while admiring the Biotope Marocche in Dro at Lake Garda Trentino is being on the moon. An incredibly fascinating and unique landscape.

Many people don’t know the origin of Marocche in Dro, a marvellous natural and ancient proof.

The protected biotope, one of the few ranked arid and not humid biotopes – Marocche di Dro is a huge amount of melted rocky materials with groups of even bigger stones.

Marocche – a dialectal word of Trentino from the Paleoeuropean word “mar” which means stone, rock – were formed by falls detached from Brento and Monte Casale (right side of the valley) and by landslides from the left side. Quaternary glaciations caused these slides. 

This rocky and arid landscape attracts the visitors not only for its history but also for its natural beauty.

The little vegetation is composed of Austrian pines grown in the middle of the rocks like natural bonsai. All the rest are stones and rocks, as if you were literally in the stone age! In fact, you can even observe some traces of dinosaurs, the giant animals living in the Triassic era!

Tracks of dinosaurs at the Biotope of Marocche of Dro

The area around Marocche of Dro has been protected as biotope for years. The only path with some staging points lets you can carefully look at the geomorphological and naturalistic features of this natural oasis.

The biggest curiosity? The traces of dinosaurs – a herbivorous and a carnivorous one, at least – left in some rocks about 190 millions of years ago in the area of the landslide Kas.

If you want to try an amazing staging tour up to the tracks of the dinosaurs, from Riva del Garda take the 45 bis gardesana road to Arco then keep driving northwards to Dro or take the other access along the SP84 provincial road SP84 to Drena, about 4km from Dro. At any access there are road signals with the biotope logo, the route map and the allowed activities.

This hike is perfect and enjoyable for children, too, but they need to pay attention in any case. The traces of dinosaurs and the suggestive landscape of the biotope will fascinate them – they will feel like in a Jurassic Park!

If you love riding a mountain bike, what about riding the Jurassic Marocche? It is a short loop tour (12.4 km) with two short downhill stretches and you can ride it all year round.

If you love walking silently on the paths in the company of nature and wind, this route is perfect for you. Explore one of the most important proofs on the post ice age!

Our suggestion? Proper trekking clothing and boots and a canteen of water (there are no refreshment points), ready to admire unique landscapes. The loop route lasts about 2 hours and a half. Feel the contact with a charming nature and a thousand-year old history.

Starting by bike from Residence Toblini or from Casa al Lago you can easily reach the Marocche path

Live your dream by booking a holiday at Toblini Apartments.
Book now Residence Toblini
Book now Casa Toblini al Lago


La felicità? Affrontare il panoramicissimo percorso del Monte Brione con partenza diretta dai nostri Toblini Apartments (sia in bici che a piedi!). 

L’itinerariocircolare vi permetterà di godere di scorci incredibili sul Lago di Garda, una full immersion nella storia e, naturalmente, di allenare il vostro corpo godendo della natura incontaminata di un verdeggiante biotopo. 

Il Monte Brione si trova fra Riva del Garda e Torbole e la sua particolare forma obliqua attira da sempre escursionisti (anche non troppo allenati grazie alla sua facilità) e appassionati di natura. Il “cappello” del Garda Trentino si nota da lontano per la sua eleganza e percorrendolo si ha subito l’impressione che curva dopo curva ti accompagni verso l’infinto. 

L’itinerario ha inizio comodamente da Porto San Nicolò (dove potete anche lasciare la vostra vettura) e si inerpica gradino dopo gradino (c’è la possibilità di prendere il sentiero asfaltato) oltrepassando zone di boschi. 

Vi dà inoltre l’occasione di fermarvi su strategiche panchine panoramiche a riposarvi e scattare qualche foto (a proposito, non dimenticate di condividere le vostre più belle immagini usando l’hashtag #gardatrentino) per poi riprendere il percorso! 

Il consiglio è sempre quello di attrezzarsi in modo sicuro e con un abbigliamento adeguato e, perché no, magari documentarsi prima di cimentarsi in questo itinerario. Eh sì, perché il Monte Brione è ricco di storia. 

Dopo circa 30 minuti di cammino si raggiunge il Forte Garda.

Questa fortezza è stata costruita tra il 1904 ed il 1907 ed era un’importante postazione di difesa militare durante la Grande Guerra.

Poco più avanti invece troverete la batteria di mezzo: avamposto austroungarico costruito agli inizi del 1900. 

Il biotopo del Monte Brione è stato istituito nel 1992 ed è un’oasi climatica, botanica, geologica e storica. Qui troviamo specie rare o minacciate. In particolare, è possibile incontrare una straordinaria ricchezza di orchidee, di cui sono segnalate ben 26 specie.

L’area protetta è colma di ulivi dove diverse specie vegetali e animali trovano riparo (come le coloratissime farfalle che in primavera sembrano petali di rose svolazzanti!) 

Giunti in cima non vi chiederete se siete stanchi, avrete solo la certezza che ne sarà valsa la pena! 

Una volta goduto dello scenario incredibile del Lago di Garda dall’alto, tornerete comodamente alla base dallo stesso sentiero (oppure potete scegliere quello asfaltato ma più lungo) e ritornate alla base (avete notato il Forte San Nicolò? Fu costruito durante l’Impero austroungarico nel 1861). 

Qui non vi resta che bere un aperitivo ritemprante al porto ed alzare lo sguardo al cielo: vi sembrerà ancor più incredibile aver raggiunto la sommità del Monte Brione!

Vivi il tuo sogno prenotando una vacanza ai Toblini Apartments. 
Al Residence Toblini prenota qui  
a Casa Toblini al lago prenota qui


Familienurlaub am Gardasee

Are you all ready to leave for the holidays? Fun, sports, games and your kids will be happy all day long.

Lake Garda Trentino is the perfect destination for such a holiday! 

Here, the blue Lake Garda combines with the green mountains, the olive trees and the yellow lemons. What a stunning background for your holidays!

The destination for your family holidays. Garda Trentino is the home of outdoor sports to be practised with your kids!

Windsurfing, sailing, climbing, cycling, trekking and canyoning… you just need to choose! 

So? What are you ready for? 

At Garda Trentino the outdoor activities for children are many, super funny and safe! 

Expert guides will always be with your kids. They will check their equipment and explain them the risks and dangers to be careful of.

Are you willing to make a breath taking experience with your kids, surrounded by nature and animals? Try the trek with the donkeys at Monte Creino! The quiet and friendly animals will be the best company for your kids. 

Familienurlaub am Gardasee

If they love the thrilling experiences, try the Family Ferrata Rio SalagoniA funny course in a canyon under the castle of Drena, with two suspended bridges and narrow passages among vertical rocks. The LOLgarda guides will be with you during this experience and will accompany you to other fabulous places. If your kids prefer to feel the adrenaline on the water, try the canyoning or the Family Canyoning experience. Your kids will feel like little Indiana Jones! Natural slides, short dives and descents with the rope that you can fearlessly enjoy.

What if your kid wants to ride a horse

At Lake Garda Trentino you can learn and watch the local nature and animals in the wood or at Reptiland in Riva del Garda, where your kids will be amazed by the reptiles, amphibians, insects living in any corner of our planet.

Going on holiday is also worth a visit to the architectural and engineering beauties such as the Hydroelectric Generating Plant! Little engineers grow… go and discover how it works! With a helmet on, they will explore this structure and learn many things about the hydroelectric generating plant of Riva, conceived by Giancarlo Maroni, the architect of Gabriele D’Annunzio’s Vittoriale.
These are just some of the active experiences you and your family can live on holiday at Lake Garda Trentino

Yeah, a weekend won’t be enough, so book a longer active holiday for your family. Lake Garda Trentino is the place to be!

Live your dream by booking a holiday at Toblini Apartments.
Book now Residence Toblini
Book now Casa Toblini al Lago


The kids’ laughter is infectious, their happiness is mum and dad’s happiness. So why not choosing a completely child-friendly holiday? Lake Garda Trentino gives more than a single opportunity to carry out some outdoor activities and have fun all together.

Guided tours to discover the area, haunts to be explored, teaching farms to find out how to milk a cow or to grow thriving vegetables at close quarters with nature. Tailor-made family tours to satisfy adults and kids’ needs, or just some good lakefront walks!

Whatever the activity you would choose to undertake with your family, Lake Garda Trentino will be able to welcome you and make you spend some unforgettable moments.

We have drawn up a specific top 5 list just for you, five family activities that you can’t definitely missed once arrived on the northern shore of Italy’s biggest lake!

  • Excursions. Mountain, amusement park, adventure treks! Lake Garda won’t definitely get you bored, who wants to bet? Your little ones will love the thrill they feel at the Busatte Adventure Park. Between lianas and suspension bridges, the lake-view fun is guaranteed! 
  • Climbing. Little Adam Ondra are growing up. Who said that climbing is just for adults? Dad (or mum) and kid can train together and discover the most scenic peaks and heights along easy cliffs you can pleasantly climb! Local alpine guides hold out some activities targeted to all the family, to approach the climbing world safely. 
Familienurlaub am Gardasee
  • Biking. Bike lovers, here you go! Get your helmet, backpack and start cycling! There are many bikeways , or also cycle lanes for the little ones to live on their bikes under the careful eye of mum and dad.
  • Teaching farms. A great opportunity to live the lush Trentino nature with your family is visiting the teaching farms. At close quarters with nature, in these places it is possible to get to know trees and animals while relaxing and maybe also tasting the most genuine and typical products from Alto Garda! 
  • Theme parks. The proximity of Garda Trentino to Gardaland makes this area a perfect combination of wild fun and unspoilt nature. Getting on a comfy bus you could reach Italy’s most famous them park together with all your family. You can buy the tickets here at our offices and so take your family to live a unique experience between fun and adrenaline! 

These are only five activities you could carry out with your kids, but many more are waiting for you!

After all, even the fact of spending some relaxation moments with your loved ones gives strength and value to the holiday you decide to live. Comprising it both adventure park or treks, water sports or mountain excursions. A family holiday holds your heart around the biggest emotion: all gathered together under a blue stretch called Lake Garda!

Live your dream by booking a holiday at Toblini Apartments.
Book now Residence Toblini
Book now Casa Toblini al Lago

Studios with swimming pool on Lake Garda: the perfect holiday for single parents with children

Familienurlaub am Gardasee

Holiday at Lake Garda for single parents with children. The number of single-parent families formed by a single parent with one or more children is growing. A different composition of families also means a different approach to holidays. When in the family there is one parent and one or more children, the only solution is to choose the ideal place to have fun and spend peaceful holidays!

If mum or dad are thinking about holidays with their offspring, we suggest the ideal destination to spend the most awaited period of the year. Ready for happy moments with your children and for the deserved relax for you?

Where? At Lake Garda Trentino!

Lake Garda for all ages

The immense lake basin is full of breath-taking views and the northern shore, in the province of Trento, is child-friendly.

Its tranquillity, its many cycle paths, beaches, and thousands of outdoor activities designed for families, make this destination the ideal one for a parent with child in tow.

So, why choosing Lake Garda for a 1+1 holiday? We will give you some great reasons:

Mediterranean climate. When we say: “health first of all” is a great truth and especially when choosing a destination to spend a holiday with children. Garda Trentino ensures sunny days and a mild climate for many months of the year, perfect for the many outdoor activities you can practise even in the middle of winter!

Little champions grow up. Did you know? At Garda Trentino there are many specialized schools where you can also start a fast course your little champions! Active outdoor experiences directly on the lake by boat such as sailing, windsurfing, exciting canyoning or “land” activities such as climbing, trekking, biking!

Amusement parks just a stone’s throw from you. Gardaland and the other famous amusement and adventure parks are comfortably just an hour away, with direct connections with transfer. In Riva del Garda, the little ones will be able to discover the wonders of the curious reptiles at Reptiland or feel like little Indiana Jones at Torbole, at Parco delle Busatte which offers a large place surrounded by nature, with services dedicated to dynamic spirits.

Boat tours. Malcesine, Limone and other beautiful places in the nearby will be even more beautiful to discover by boat! A straw hat, a camera and the sun kissing you and your little explorer! What more could you ask for?

Tailor-made offers. The residences as Toblini Apartments with swimming pool offer perfect solutions for single parents such as studios. A tailor-made small family holiday in a perfectly organized design studio apartment with swimming pool and large garden for children is ideal! All you have to do is book with one click.

Every family, whether traditional, extended or small, is worth the trip. The destination that turns it into a dream is called Torbole sul Garda.

Live your dream by booking a holiday at Toblini Apartments.
Book now Residence Toblini
Book now Casa Toblini al Lago



“There are no more middle seasons”. A famous weather cliché states that, but we belie it immediately because the “middle seasons” at Lake Garda are nicer than ever!

The sun shines up in the mild sky, it warms you up without burning. The nature around us is getting a beautiful warm tone, turning everything romantic. The land gives us mouthwatering fruits like chestnuts and mushrooms!

The woods smell of resin and the sounds of nature are the perfect background music for some beautiful walks you could take on without suffering the summer hot weather.

Are you ready to discover the 5 autumn activities to undertake around the lake in Garda Trentino? READY, SET, GO!

Appreciating the nature turning yellow. Well, the most energising colour in chromotherapy is in the spotlight in autumn. The woods turn yellow-orange as painted by a great painter and enable you to take the most striking pictures ever! It will be great to frame and hang photos at home as a memento of your autumn holiday all together!

  1. Hiking. Ponale, Busatte-Tempesta, San Pietro, Mount Altissimo. Whatever the path you chose, hiking in Garda Trentino has never been so impactful. Grueling sweats? Bye bye! Baking heat? Forget it. The golden landscapes and the pleasant, not yet cold temperatures are a perfect combination for those who love this activity.
  2. Olives. This incredible fruit gives its best in autumn with its… pressing! The “green gold”, that is the precious 46° parallel oil (the most northern latitude where this tree is cultivated in Italy), is produced exactly during this season! It is possible to taste it in many restaurants and taverns together with delicious traditional dishes.
  3. Biking. Another perfect outdoor sport in the fall is biking. Pedaling on even challenging routes is easier when the temperatures are not so high! Lakefront walks with children are also ideal as there are far fewer people crowding the many cycle paths in Torbole, Arco, Riva del Garda! It will be a pleasure to ride in the quiet of this season.
  4. SUP. Autumn is the ideal season to enjoy the lake without too many boats and crafts! The color of the water is an even more intense blue and the green mountains with amber brushstrokes seem to enhance it even more! It will be great to paddle with the sup enjoying the sun and the peace without too much wind (which gradually decreases its power this season). The temperatures in September and October on Lake Garda are really optimal for SUP and all other water and non-water sports.

You can choose yourself if paddling, ambling or… running! Anyway, at the end you should remember to stop for a lakefront sundowner. After all, for this last “activity” every season is perfect!

Live your dream by booking a holiday at Toblini Apartments.
Book now Residence Toblini
Book now Casa Toblini al Lago


Familienurlaub am Gardasee

Are you all ready to leave for the holidays? Fun, sports, games and your kids will be happy all day long.

Lake Garda is the perfect destination for such a holiday!

Here, the blue Lake Garda combines with the green mountains, the olive trees and the yellow lemons. What a stunning background for your holidays!

The destination for your family holidays. 

Lake Garda is the home of outdoor sports to be practised with your kids!

Windsurfing, sailing, climbing, cycling, trekking and canyoning… you just need to choose!

So? What are you ready for?

At Lake Garda the outdoor activities for children are many, super funny and safe!

Expert guides will always be with your kids. They will check their equipment and explain them the risks and dangers to be careful of.

Are you willing to make a breath taking experience with your kids, surrounded by nature and animals? Try the trek with the donkeys at Monte Creino! The quiet and friendly animals will be the best company for your kids.If they love the thrilling experiences, try the Family Ferrata Rio Salagoni! A funny course in a canyon under the castle of Drena, with two suspended bridges and narrow passages among vertical rocks. The LOLgarda guides will be with you during this experience and will accompany you to other fabulous places. If your kids prefer to feel the adrenaline on the water, try the canyoning or theFamily Canyoning experience. Your kids will feel like little Indiana Jones! Natural slides, short dives and descents with the rope that you can fearlessly enjoy.

Familienurlaub am Gardasee

What if your kid wants to ride a horse?

At the farmhouse Laghel 7, kids older than four can ride the most elegant four-paw animals on earth among the pure nature of Laghel, near Arco.

At Garda Trentino you can learn and watch the local nature and animals in the wood or at Reptiland in Riva del Garda, where your kids will be amazed by the reptiles, amphibians, insects living in any corner of our planet.

Going on holiday is also worth a visit to the architectural and engineering beauties such as the Hydroelectric Generating Plant! Little engineers grow… go and discover how it works! With a helmet on, they will explore this structure and learn many things about the hydroelectric generating plant of Riva, conceived by Giancarlo Maroni, the architect of Gabriele D’Annunzio’s Vittoriale.

These are just some of the active experiences you and your family can live on holiday at Lake Garda.

And, if you are looking for family-friendly facilities, in Torbole, in a strategic position between the beach and the historic center, you will find the Toblini Apartments: modern apartments with a large and well-kept garden and a beautiful swimming pool to relax mum, dad and children, after a long day active! 

Take a look at our offers now!
Book now Residence Toblini
Book now Casa Toblini al Lago