Stand up everybody! And, if standing upright on a board with paddles you are enjoying that enchantment called Lake Garda Trentino, there is no question: you have chosen the most cutting-edge activity! Thanks to it, you’ll feel like traveling an inch from the water practicing a relaxing but also toning sport: Sup, acronym for Stand Up Paddle! Being there waves (so precious for surfers) or dead calm, Lake Garda Trentino is the ideal place for this sport which have been really fashionable lately, but that is actually not so recent as one may think. 

Already in the far 1778 in fact, once landed on the Hawaii Islands, the famous English explorer Cook noticed that the locals used boards and paddles standing upright on the water. Over the years this sport has become more and more appreciated until landing on our shores, where it has found “rich soil” and an ideal place for its success. Anyway, do you know why it so appreciated? Explanations are few and really convincing (trust me, after reading this article you will have the desire to try it!). 

Firstly, it is an easy sport, few rules and much fun! It’s really relaxing and stress-relieving, thanks to a direct contact with nature and because you are deep in a stunning landscape between crystal clear water and green mountains, as tied in a bear hug! And, what’s more, it’s a toning activity that allows you to work out your arms, balance and breath. If it’s that time of the day when the Ora wind dominates, then you could also enjoy yourself riding the wave or surfing as a professional. 

Sup doesn’t require specific courses, but in case you want some suggestions to take on this sport suitable for everybody, you only have to slip over to one of the several local windsurfing centers and ask for advice. Here, you will be given some suggestions for a first approach to this sport, which will make you feel in a perfect exchange with the waves of the biggest lake in Italy, plunged into a talking nature. If you listen to it, rowing upright on your board, you will fall in love with Sup and Lake Garda more and more, no doubt about it!

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